My Approach

After working as a mental health counselor for almost 20 years, I noticed that traditional treatment approaches were overlooking a key component of our humanity--our bodies. Our bodies and minds are directly linked via our nervous system. They are two sides of the same coin. Our bodies and minds are in constant communication and of continuous influence to each other.
As I got to know my patients, I found that most (if not all) of them had physical concerns in addition to the mental-emotional needs that lead them to therapy in the first place. At the most basic level, daily life stressors manifest as physical symptoms such as headaches, neck and jaw pain, and shallow breathing. When our stress becomes chronic, it can cause physical tension so profound that it alters our ability to engage with everyday life due to more significant symptoms like debilitating back pain or cardiovascular issues.
When I started to add movement and mobility work into my clients' treatment plans, they started to get better faster and with more lasting results. This is because they had gained a better understanding of their mind-body system and how to incorporate preventative and responsive practices into their daily routines. They were feeling more in control, rather than feeling like they were at the mercy of their physical symptoms.
I believe that all people have the right to this information--to learn how best to care for themselves so that they can prevent many of these problems from occurring in the first place. My goal as a movement professional is to help people feel more at home in their bodies and minds, to feel that they have control in how they respond to the stressors of daily life, to feel durable and resilient on a daily basis. I believe that through engagement in movement, conscious breathing, and energy work, we can unlock our freedom to truly LIVE.